For Kanazawa Hotel Accommodation / Reservations


  • From JR Kanazawa Sta, Kenrokuen Gate/East Gate
  • From Musashigatsuji・Omi-cho Market stop, City Bus/
    KANAZAWA LOOP BUS/Airport Limousine Bus
  • UNIZO INN Kanazawa Hyakumangoku Dori
  • Address: 3-30 Oyama Machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture 920-0918
  • TEL: (+81)76-224-3489
  • FAX: (+81)76-224-3488

By Train

By Train

By Train

From Airport

From Airport

From Airport


  • 15 min. on foot from JR Kanazawa Sta, Kenrokuen Gate/East Gate
  • 3 min. on foot from Musashigatsuji・Omi-cho Market stop, City Bus/KANAZAWA LOOP BUS/Airport Limousine Bus

Affiliated car parking

Affiliated parking 1.) Omicho Parking (3 min. on foot) 228 spaces
Address: 21 Jikkenmachi, Kanazawa
Fee: ¥800/night (*1) 16:00~9:30 (following day)
Size limit: height 2.10m
Structure: Garage

Affiliated parking 2.) M’ZA Sky Parking (6 min. on foot) 620 spaces
Address: 16-42 Musashimachi, Kanazawa
Fee: ¥1,200/24 hours (*2) 24 hour period (no entry/exit between 24:00~6:00)
Size limit: height 2.10m, length 5m
Structure: Garage

*Usage outside of the times listed above will result in additional charges.
*2 Parking voucher (can be used for 24 hours)
*1, *2 The front desk sells parking vouchers at the prices listed above. Please contact the front desk for details.

Arrival Date
Number of
Room for