Relax comfortably and smartly.
Affordable urban hotels with standard amenities.
Perfectly located for both business and sightseeing purposes
Hotels are conveniently located in the central areas of major cities and regional hub cities, serving as a base for business and sightseeing.
Rooms that provide both function and relaxation
Guestrooms with a sense of warmth include facilities such as a bed and bathtub made by leading manufacturers to realize a comfortable stay, as well as highly functional features.
A variety of amenities and facilities
Hotels are equipped with a variety of amenities, Wi-Fi with security feature, and lighting with adjustable brightness. Additionally, an internet-enabled computer area and laundry machines are available for guests.
Thorough security
Buildings feature an elevator system where room keys allow guests to stop only on their floor, in order to increase security.
* Not all features are available at every location. For details, please inquire with each individual location.
Check-in time: 2:00 p.m.
/ Check-out time: 11:00 a.m.